Monday, April 17, 2017

Dossier Submission!!

After more than a month's worth of delays amidst a wild paper chase, we finally got confirmation that our dossier was able to be submitted to the DFC (Department of Families and Children) in Ukraine!! Our official submission date was April 13th.  We now wait to receive an appointment date, hopefully in two months or less, and pray that all of our paperwork will be accepted as is, and not need anything else before we are able to move forward.

We still have quite a bit of money to raise (about $10,000) for the rest of the adoption fees, as well as travel costs.  We will be having a garage sale fundraiser next month so are actively seeking donations and praying for it to be successful. We also still have our YouCaring page up and running (visit it here) and would greatly appreciate anyone willing to share it on social media and elsewhere.

It has been quite an emotional roller coaster these last two months.  Two months ago we thought we were finished gathering paperwork and were ready to send everything to Ukraine to be translated, only to find out there was one more thing we needed.  And then a week or so later, one more document we needed.  And then another. What a relief it is now to know that it has finally been submitted!  Now we pray for a quick acceptance by the DFC and peace in this waiting time.